Alcott Turkey Trot

Event Details

The Alcott Turkey Trot is Tuesday, October 31 from 9:30-11:45 a.m. at the Emerson Track.  This event is a charity jog-a-thon event where students obtain pledges, have 15 minutes to jog with their grade and then go back to sponsors and collect pledges in the following weeks.  In the past 21 years, we have raised over $95,000 for charities including: Open Table (Primary recipient), Concord Recreation Scholarship Fund, Make a Wish (sent 6 year old girl to Disney World ), the Heifer International Fund, Children’s Room Arlington, and the Children’s Hospital Pulmonary Unit.  Pledge checks will be made out to Alcott PTG or you can donate starting next week on the PTG website, although this is NOT a PTG fundraiser.  100% funds raised go to the charities. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Gaudreau, Alcott PE Teacher.