April 7, 2023
Alcott Newsletter
April 2023
I don’t know how April is here (and halfway over!) already. It really feels like just a few days ago that we were preparing for December vacation! With the arrival of spring comes a very busy time of year at school. The days start to fill up with regular learning activities as well as enrichment ones. I look forward to seeing many of you at various spring events!
Recap of March Events: March was an incredibly busy month! We had an amazing Multicultural Night at the beginning of the month and an awesome Math Night at the end of the month. The Book Fair was a great success too! I want to extend a huge thank you to all of the parents who contributed to making these events so successful!
Placement Feedback Form: It is hard to believe that we are already starting to think about placement for the upcoming school year! Keep your eyes out for a separate email early next week that will contain information about the placement process as well as a link to a Google form where you can share placement feedback with the school if you would like to do that.
Kindergarten Open House: There will be an open house for incoming K students on the afternoon of May 10th. More information (including the time for each session) will be sent directly to families. If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please make sure that you register them through the parent portal in Aspen so that we can communicate with you about the transition to kindergarten!
April Vacation: This is just a reminder that there is no school April 17-22.
MCAS: The English/Language Arts MCAS is already underway. Grades 3 and 4 took their ELA MCAS last week. As a quick reminder, the remainder of the schedule is as follows:
April 10 and 11 – Grade 5 ELA
May 4 and 5 – Grade 3 Math
May 9 and 11 – Grade 5 Math
May 15 and 16 – Grade 4 Math
May 18 and 19 – Grade 5 Science