Alcott Family Newsletter
- Alcott Family Newsletter
This week continues to be a busy one! Our third grade classes visited the Steam Lab. Our fifth grade Band students had their performance last night at Willard. It's incredible to hear their growth after just a year of instrument lessons!
- Alcott Family Newsletter
The weeks really seem to be picking up speed. Somehow we've passed the halfway mark and are fast approaching the 100th day of school! This week, classes across the school learned about the lunar new year through literature and other educational activities.
- Alcott Family Newsletter
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!. I am grateful for the (relatively) warmer days that have made outdoor recess much more pleasant (and possible)!
- Alcott Family Newsletter
As we prepare to head off into vacation tomorrow, I want to express my gratitude to all of you for helping to make our school the amazing, warm, and joyful community that it is. I feel so fortunate that I get to work with your incredible children each and every day.
- Alcott Family Newsletter
The days are moving quickly! Only a week and a half until December vacation! Today, we had a great all school meeting with presentations from the student council, the 4th grade and the school chorus.